
May is for You: 9-min Mobilization Routine

May is for You: 9-min Mobilization Routine

9-min to move every part of your body with SMT Osteopath!
From a standing position we will target the shoulder complex, neck, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, hang to decompress the spine. Getting down on the mat, hands free, to engage and connect to your core using a dead bug, into a mackenzie press-up to extend the spine, finishing with deep slow breaths in child’s pose.

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Posture & Ergonomics

Posture & Ergonomics

Let’s talk posture:
Whether you are working from a desk or your kitchen counter, it’s time to get creative to give yourself the best working environment.

Have you taken the time to set up your work from home space?

It is essential to set ourselves up to be in the best physical and mental state possible, and having a comfortable supportive physical work space can be the start to that.

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